This package idmcapi
happens to be my first and complete attempt to write an API package with R. And I was submitting the package on CRAN. Many in R community have done that, and I’ve learnt a ton of good practices from them. It’s probably that idmcapi
won’t have a large number of users; that’s fine, because it’s not my initial intention at all.
I came up with the project last night while I was looking for a ‘cool’ data set for the next DataTalk meetup. DuckDuckGo sent me to this site - The Humanitarian Data Exchange - a platform for sharing humanitarian data. You should definitely take a loot at that site if you are passionate about doing good with data.
My first search gave me a result of a data set about Vietnam’s Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who are forced to flee their homes because of conflict, violence and disasters. It seems good for analysis, let see if there’s something else. It turns out that IDMC, the data contributor, maintains a database of worldwide country profiles of IDPs and their team are kind enough to provide REST API for public access. So I asked myself why not build an R package for this. And here you are:
It covers all of the public API endpoints:
: Returns a list of countries in the databaseget_overview
: Returns a country displacement information, including population and refugee numbersget_conflict_data
: Returns all available conflict displacement dataget_disaster_data
: Returns all available disaster displacement data by event and includes hazard type informationget_aggregated_disaster_data
: Returns all available disaster displacement data by country aggregating all the eventsget_displacement_data
: Returns all available displacement data for both disaster and conflict by year and countryget_strata_data
: Returns the strata data for a country by type of displacement and fact typeget_figure_analysis
: Returns the figure analysis for a countryget_confidence_assessment
: Returns the confidence assessment data for a country by type of displacement and fact typeget_disaster_events
: Returns events associated with an ISO code
Here’s a bit of it in action:
get_countries() # output truncated
# iso3 geo_name
# 1 AB9 Abyei Area
# 2 AFG Afghanistan
# 3 ALB Albania
# 4 DZA Algeria
# 5 AGO Angola
# 6 AIA Anguilla
# 7 ATG Antigua and Barbuda
# 8 ARG Argentina
# 9 ARM Armenia
# 10 AUS Australia
# fields values
# 1 iso3 VNM
# 2 geo_name Vietnam
# 3 population.figure 95414640
# 4 population.year 2017
# 5 population.source UN Population Division
# 6 refugee.figure 329331
# 7 refugee.year 2016
# 8 refugee.source UNHCR
# 9 conflict.source IDMC
# 10 disaster.year 2017
# 11 disaster.new_displacements 633463
# 12 disaster.new_displacements_since 1 January - 31 December 2017
# 13 disaster.new_displacements_source IDMC
# 14 disaster.source IDMC
get_conflict_data(iso3 = 'RUS', year = 2015)
# iso3 iso geo_name year stock_displacement stock_displacement_source new_displacements
# 1 RUS RU Russian Federation 2015 26607 IDMC 0
# new_displacements_source
# 1 IDMC
get_conflict_data(iso3 = 'RUS', year = c(2011, 2015))
# iso3 iso geo_name year stock_displacement_source new_displacements new_displacements_source
# 1 RUS RU Russian Federation 2011 IDMC 0 IDMC
# 2 RUS RU Russian Federation 2012 IDMC 0 IDMC
# 3 RUS RU Russian Federation 2013 IDMC 0 IDMC
# 4 RUS RU Russian Federation 2014 IDMC 0 IDMC
# 5 RUS RU Russian Federation 2015 IDMC 0 IDMC
# stock_displacement
# 1 NA
# 2 29000
# 3 34900
# 4 25378
# 5 26607